1. Travel: Along the above route from Salmo, BC, to Cambridge, ON, there are meticulously placed stickers at various rest stops, look out locations, and or boarder crossing locations across Canada. A picture of said sticker can be seen below:
2. Rest and Adventure: At these various locations, you are to locate the above sticker, collect at least 10 items of trash, take a picture of both the Long For Life sticker in its natural habitat, and the garbage you are cleansing from the earth, before disposing of the rubbish in the nearby trash bin.
3. contact and submit pictures: Finally, fill out the contact form below to open communications, then submit your pictures to receive the gift of life (a free signed copy of Long For Life) for helping preserve this beautiful country for the next generation to come.
3. contact and submit pictures: Finally, fill out the contact form below to open communications, then submit your pictures to receive the gift of life (a free signed copy of Long For Life) for helping preserve this beautiful country for the next generation to come.
Since you are essentially looking for a 3 inch needle in a 4,000 kilometer-long haystack, I think its only fair I give you a hint or two.
1. when you are traveling be sure to “take a break, fatigue kills”
2. “eye spy with my little eye a little blue picnic bench sign”
1. when you are traveling be sure to “take a break, fatigue kills”
2. “eye spy with my little eye a little blue picnic bench sign”
disclaimer: Both traveling and adventuring across Canada can be incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. I even almost died a few times on SOLO adventures while taking some of these pictures below(more hints). Please plan appropriately, take the necessary safety precautions, and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! Travel and adventure safely.
-Books will be signed and shipped as soon as possible while supplies last.
If you follow these 3 directions, you will not only help preserve the natural beauty of these incredible places above, but you will also be exposed to the most incredible side of humanity that will restore your faith from the messes of the pigs you just finished cleaning up.
Are you going to let our planet and children suffer a slow and inevitable death of rot and decay? Or are you going to live your life to the fullest, adventure to some of the most incredible places in the world, and do your part in preserving the natural beauty of the most incredible country there is?
The choice is yours…
Are you going to let our planet and children suffer a slow and inevitable death of rot and decay? Or are you going to live your life to the fullest, adventure to some of the most incredible places in the world, and do your part in preserving the natural beauty of the most incredible country there is?
The choice is yours…